5 Fantastic Strategies for Solving Words
In order for a reader to be able to read and understand a text there is a great deal of work that they must do in their head. As shared in The Importance of Strategies, readers use a variety of strategic actions and strategies to process what they are reading. ...
Summer Literacy Fun Has Begun!
I can’t believe in a few short days both of my children will be out of school for summer. While we are looking forward to more relaxing mornings and some time at the pool, I also recognize that we need to have a plan for how we will keep up academics throughout the...
7 Principles of Teaching Your Child About How Words Work
Seven Principles of Teaching Your Child About How Words Work Teaching your child to read can be very complex and even a little confusing. Some children learn to read very easily, while others have a more challenging time. Many parents have asked me if there...
How We Practice for Spelling Tests
If your child takes spelling tests, learn how to make them more effective with engaging practices that are actually fun.