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Dr. Erin McClure’s Presentations

Phonics in grades 3 and 4, Kipp, NYC Virtual Conference. 2020

Instructional interactions: supporting reading development with read alouds. North Carolina Reading Association, Raleigh, NC. 2018

Supportive interactions during independent reading. International Literacy Association, Orlando, FL. 2017

First-graders’ re-descriptions of Ezra Jack Keats’ narratives: Transforming story worlds into social worlds through oral and written responses within read-aloud discussions and pen pal letters. Paper presented with S. Fullerton and K. Hubbard at the 66th annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Nashville, TN. 2016

Second graders’ responses during interactive read-alouds within a multi-sensory robotic LIT room and traditional story room: Social and technological transformations in talk and literature. Paper presented with S. Fullerton, G. Schafer, K. Hubbard, R. Ross, L. Salley, L. Green, and I. Walker at the 66th annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Nashville, TN. 2016

Scaffolding critical thinking during interactive read alouds. Session presented at International Literacy Association Conference. Boston, MA. 2016

Story as “lived through” experience: First graders respond to Ezra Jack Keats’ Peter narratives. Paper presented with S. Fullerton, K. Hubbard, and K. Jordan at the International Literacy Association Conference, Boston, MA. 2016

Web-mediated resources: Providing access and equity to differentiated literacy professional development. Paper presented with C. Bates, R. Huber, and P. Womac at the 65th annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Carlsbad, CA. 2015

Do experts’ book selections reflect literacy, equity, and imagination?: An analysis of read-aloud recommendations and rationales from children’s librarians and children’s literature professors. Roundtable session presented with S. Fullerton, G. Schafer, K.Hubbard, and L. Salley at the 65th annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Carlsbad, CA. 2015

Initial findings from the design, implementation, and evaluation of the LIT ROOM: A mixed-technology architectural-robotic embedded environment for augmenting interactive picturebook read-alouds. Roundtable session presented with G. Schafer, S. Fullerton, K. Hubbard, R. Huber, L. Salley, K. Green, I. Walker, and A. Vijaykumar at the 65th annual meeting of the Literacy Research Association. Carlsbad, CA. 2015

Engaging in Interactive Read Alouds with Informational Texts. National Council of Teachers of English, Minneapolis, MN. 2015

The Lit Kit: How Interactive Read-Alouds Within a Cyber-Physical, Multisensory Environment Impact Children’s Responses to Picturebooks. Presented with S. Fullerton, G. Schaffer at American Reading Forum Conference, Sanibel Island, FL. 2014

Cultivating Comprehension with Interactive Read Alouds in the Primary Classroom. Presented at International Reading Association Conference, New Orleans, LA. 2014

Writing 101. Presented at the Annual Four Blocks Conference, Clemmons, NC. 2012

Writing the Four Blocks Way. Presented at the Annual Four Blocks Conference, Clemmons, NC. 2011

Cultivating Comprehension in the Elementary Classroom. Presented at National Board for Professional Teaching Standards National Conference, Atlanta, GA. 2009

Dr. Erin McClure’s Publications

Bates, C.C., McClure, E.L., Ross, R., & Womac, P. (2019). Web-Mediated Professional Development. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education.

Fullerton, S.K., Schafer, G.J., Hubbard, K., McClure, E.L., Salley, L, & Ross, R.H. (2018). Considering Quality and Diversity: An Analysis of Read-Aloud Recommendations and Rationales from Children’s Literature Experts. New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship.

McClure, E.L. & Fullerton, S.K. (2017).  Instructional Interactions: Supporting Reading Development with Read Alouds. The Reading Teacher.

Bates, C. C., Huber, R., & McClure, E. (2016). Stay connected: Using technology to enhance PLCs. The Reading Teacher.

Bates, C.C., Klein, A., Schubert, B., McGee, L., Anderson, N., Dorn, L., McClure, E., & Ross, R. (2016).  E-books and E-book apps: Considerations for beginning readers. The Reading Teacher.  

McClure, E.L. (2015). Predictable charts: An effective strategy to engage and impact learners. The Reading Teacher.



2015              NSF Lit Room Research Study, Clemson University, Clemson, SC



Literacy Research and Instruction Journal Reviewer

Literacy Research Association

International Literacy Association

  • Conference Proposal Reviewer (2010-2014)
  • North Carolina Reading Association, Area Director (2011-2013)
  • Charlotte Reading Association, Vice President (2008-2010)

First Book-Charlotte, Founder and Co-chair (2014-2024)

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Erin is a parent and educator who is passionate about helping kids become the best readers, writers, and critical thinkers they can be.

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