About Literacy Doc
Literacy Doc was founded by Dr. Erin McClure. Erin is a parent of two young children and an educator with a Doctorate in Literacy, Language and Culture.
Erin is fascinated by the way children develop as readers and writers. As Erin works with children, she is constantly striving to create opportunities for children to experience challenges and successes that increase their independence and confidence in literacy. Literacy Doc is a place where Erin shares her experiences and learning both as an educator and as a parent encouraging life-long readers.
Erin often hears teachers and parents say they want to instill a love of reading in children. While this is truly a noble goal; the challenge lies in how to make this happen for each child.
Literacy Doc was created to provide caregivers and teachers with tools and resources they can use on their journey to instill the love of reading. The information adn resources shared on Literacy Doc are based on education research and Erin’s experiences as a parent, a classroom teacher, a literacy coach, a Literacy Specialist for a large urban school district, an Education professor and the creator of a best-selling educational product for teachers. Here you will find tips, resources, and books to help foster a love of literacy and accomplish the goal of instilling a love of reading and writing.
Literacy Beliefs
It can be incredibly helpful to think about your own beliefs about a topic before you begin to learn about it. Your beliefs affect how you view something and how you respond to it.
Erin is constantly thinking about how new experiences and new research fits with her beliefs about literacy and how children learn. You are invited to do the same.
* What are your beliefs about literacy?
* How do you think children learn to read and write?
* What is the role of a parent/teacher/tutor/caregiver in supporting reading and writing?
* What experiences do you think children should have to support their reading and writing?
Here are Erin’s core beliefs about working with children:
I believe in noticing what a child is already able to do and building on the child’s strength.
I believe in paying attention to a child’s challenges and missteps to offer specific assistance.
I believe in offering children choices in their learning.
I believe in setting clear, time-bound goals with children.
I believe in giving children specific, positive feedback.
I believe children need to engage with adults and their peers to support their literacy learning. This includes reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
I believe children should have many different opportunities to support their literacy learning.
I believe children should see purpose and authenticity in their literacy learning.
I believe children should have fun with literacy.
“Some of my earliest childhood memories center around reading and writing. Reading and writing experiences have had such a positive influence on me that I chose to focus my career on helping children discover the power of literacy. Now that I am a parent, I am often asked questions about supporting literacy skills. To address these questions, I decided to create Literacy Doc to share ideas, tips, and activities parents, grandparents, tutors, and caregivers can do in the home to improve reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills”
–Dr. Erin McClure
A note from Erin:
The more I watch my own children and the more I work with students in classrooms, the more I am in awe of their understandings, their resilience, and their perseverance. I hope as you read through the pages on Literacy Doc, you are encouraged and find tools and strategies you can use to improve a child’s literacy learning.
I hope you find the information helpful. Feel free to share what you find valuable at erin@literacydoc.com
In addition to sharing information here, Erin supports schools as a literacy consultant.
Erin offers individualized, tailored district-level, whole-school and grade-level presentations, in classroom coaching, and strategic planning support.
If you are a school or district administrator or teacher, please email erin@literacydoc.com for more information on district and school-based trainings.
Erin has presented throughout the United States at international literacy conferences, state reading conferences, and at school district conferences.
Erin has also had multiple publications featured in the International Literacy Association’s peer-reviewed journal The Reading Teacher.

You can check out Erin’s publications, presentations, and professional affiliations here.
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