Reading Articles
Want to learn more about teaching and supporting reading skills and motivations? Check out the articles below to learn about ways you can help your child become a better reader.
There’s More Than One Way to Read a Book
"Can you read the words? I read the book" This may be one of my favorite questions and statements I often receive from my two year old. I love that he understands that he is reading when he pays attention to the illustrations and photographs in books. He understands...
4 Fantastic Ways to Boost Non-Fiction Comprehension
We read all kinds of texts, which require different skills and can pose comprehension challenges for readers. Children are often fascinated by non-fiction texts. They can learn about their favorite animals, new experiences, and happenings in history. Providing support...
Oh, the Stories We Tell
“Tell a story Mama” EVERY. NIGHT. We now have a two story limit at bedtime because story time has made the whole bedtime routine so much longer. It could be a stalling tactic or evidence that my son really loves stories (or maybe even both). Either way, storytelling...
Scaffolding without Suffocating
Scaffolding is a term often used to describe supports and guidance we give to children as they are learning new things. The term scaffolding is used frequently in education. Michael Pressley, a leading literacy researcher, described scaffolding as: “The scaffolding of...
10 Tips for Successful Bedtime Reading with Your Child
Reading with your child can be so beneficial for your child’s academic, social, and emotional growth. When you read with your child you open up opportunities to talk to them about their interests, thoughts, and feelings about situations, characters, and outcomes....
10 Super Fun Phonemic Awareness Activities
This post may contain affilitate links. Please see the disclosure for more information. As shared in a previous post, Phonemic Awareness is the ability to hear sounds that make up words see relationships between sounds change or rearrange sounds to create new words...
What’s so Important about Phonemic Awareness?
This post may contain affilitate links. Please see the disclosure for more information. Did you know that playing with and practicing oral language helps children become better readers? Children need to have a strong understanding of spoken language before they can...
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